MINI-Devlog #2 Operators
It’s been a long time coming but it has finally arrived… the first ever reveal of our Operators!
8 new operators and 2 more to come later as we still want to hold some surprises up our sleeves. Stay tuned for their announcements at a later date!
Before we dive full in, we just want to make sure to mention that everything you are about to see is still tentative in terms of their stats, abilities and names as they are yet to be play tested enmass. But their designs and the main theme of the character is already set in stone.
Some of them may seem familiar some may seem more unique, there’s a lot of story behind the creation of many of these characters that stretches back the full 2+ years we’ve been working on the game but perhaps a story best told at a later time, so without further ado, lets jump right in!
All Prime Forces Veterans know this guy already, Rookie has been with us since the very beginning!
Over time we’ve grown to love the guy too and given him a bigger role than just a barebones beginner operator. We wanted him to have his own unique feeling and look to make him just as viable as all the other operators.
Each side has a unique version of a rookie that is capable of wielding a large variety of weapons and gadgets available to their team. Also, did we ever mention he has a real name? It’s David! (Pretty normal name huh? well, he is Rookie…)
Rookie Stats
Speed: 2
Armor: 1
Weapons: All attacker weapons.
Equipment: Blast Charge, c4.
Weapons: All defenders weapons.
Equipment: Deployable Shield, Magnetic Trap.
Operators - Defending
Operators - Attacking
And that’s a brief look at our operators as they currently stand. As mentioned before these guys are all still a work in progress and we are always striving to make them as unique as possible. Got any suggestions? Hate all of them and think you can do better? Let us know in our discord what you would change! As for next months Mini Dev log it’s a toss up between multiple idea’s. We’re thinking of Weapons though, maybe Matchmaking? What do you think?
Until next time.